Friday, July 9, 2010

How can we make an online community like answers more accessible?

For instance, unless you search, most of the questions are quite purile. This could be an interesting tool but I wonder if many interesting people are put off by the featured page of questions and their constant teenage type content. This leads me to another question but I think i will ask that one seperately - be interesting to see if answers are similar.

How can we make an online community like answers more accessible?
There are contradictions in your question.

You start by wanting more people to have access and then you want to eliminate the teenagers. Perhaps you want to limit access to those who can first pass an IQ Test?
Reply:We model it after a successful site!
Reply:Jeeeez, if you want to ask a serious specific question go to a site that deals with that subject. Or start one yourself!

The "trouble" with this site [if indeed you think it IS a problem] is that it is TOO accessible.

The real interest, for me is that since it is a collection of specific sites I can flit between subjects that interest me. [I, like most other people I know] am a being with multi-interests.

This place is a supermarket of ideas. Not some temple to liberal multi-inclusiveness with a single altar.

Open your eyes!
Reply:This site has so much potential, it just needs to separate the wheat from the chaff. But that said its nice to have a laff at the different ways people look at life.

I think a filter of some type, how that could work i haven't got the time to think about it.

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