If they want to?
Should lightskin blacks/biracials make there own online community like blackplanet?
although they ae light skin, black is black and you would only be segregating eachother which wouldnt be neccisairary a good thing.. and why is it that there can be a blackplanet but if there were a whiteplanet it would be called and shut down besauce it is racist???
Reply:Now this is a first for me.
I've heard it all.
Reply:I'm sorry, but I don't know how to say this in a better way. Maybe when you are a little sober in life you will understand, that you will still be considered a "ngr" to a racist and bigot. It doesn't matter how light you are.
To answer your question. You are free to do whatever you want to.
Reply:i don't see why not..
Reply:THey already have one..I forgot what it was called, but they or also accepted at blackplanet, if they are mixed with black.
Black planet is for black people or people who is mixed with black..If your black your black..BLACKplanet..you get it?
And I don't believe that's true..I think the media caters to mixed or light skinned blacks..I mean can you name me one Black woman who is not mixed that is well represented in the media? Besides people like Oprah?
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