Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Anyone have ever had more than one user name in one online community?

Do you think it is amoral or immoral ?

Have you ever felt that you are forced to register your second user name when your first user name is till active?

Can you talk something about it ?

Thank you.

Anyone have ever had more than one user name in one online community?
Yes,,,,AH,,,,,No,,,,,,Maybe,LOL.I know of a few people who have had to have more than 1 user name.Reason because of harassment,Stalking,Or just people that take them self to serious and talk out their butt about somebody they don't know.So "NO" it is not a bad thing,Sometimes.
Reply:I would never DREAM of doing something like that. It is just flat out amoral. By the way, did you notice Mataman's wonderful response?

Why, that Mataman guy is so nice and always gives thoughtful responses. If you're reading this, I'd give him lots of positive votes, because he's the greatest.

Ah yea, and um.. having 2 accounts is bad...
Reply:Hi There,

Yes I have had over 50 names when I was in an online community. I dont think it's immoral if you are honest about it . When I was online with yahoo I always went to the same room and talked to the same people who many have become offline friends . At Christmas and special occasions we would all come in with our OCCASION name.If you mean to have another alias to trick someone about something said then I dont agree. I beleive just to confront the person if you want to know something. My years in chat have taught me many things and the best is that not too many people online are trustworthy. So if you are hinting at some kind of relationship and you want to know if it's serious and you feel the need to check it out with another alias.. I have one thing to say .. END IT !! Without trust there is no relationship .

Racing Shoes

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