Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mainstream Media claims the Ron Paul phenomenon is a "fake online campaign."?

I think the Ron Paul community should come together and create a Website showing the individual supporters so they can see for themselves how many we really are!

If they can log on and see real verified American people and their locations, it would shut down their little "attack" campaign.

The Rupert Murdoch media in the United States mostly pretends Ron Paul doesn't exist, or simply doesn't matter. As hard a myth that is to maintain, Murdoch is clearly backing Giuliani and Billary and no-one else for the White House in 2008.

It goes on to say:

A candidate for the US presidency is being buoyed by a massive online campaign that may be a fake grassroots movement organised by party staff.

How F-ing rediculous is that?

Is that all they have on this guy, speculations of a trumped up online community!

They have nothin on this guy!

His record speaks for itself!

Mainstream Media claims the Ron Paul phenomenon is a "fake online campaign."?
"First, they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they attack you. Then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

By the way, Gandhi is Ron Paul's hero.

Let them ignore Ron Paul, until they cannot ignore him anymore. ABC, MSNBC, and CNN have all been surprised by Ron Paul's 5 million dollar fund raising success. Even that smug bastard Stephenopolous had to agree that Ron Paul is a dark horse candidate. Watch and enjoy!
Reply:I really think this is going to back fire on CNBC and FAUX News
Reply:Make it so.
Reply:I think they're starting to feel a bit worried. Dr Paul, as are "we, the people", is watching the country go downhill, and wants to fix it. I would hate to try and clean up the mess, but I believe Ron Paul can do it, in time.

Henry VIII, You say he almost "came unglued"..... everyone else is coming "unglued"; they just don't have the nerve to express their disgust to the whole world. He does! Good for him. If Ms Hil or "Ruby" G is elected, it won't be 'purty' and I'll feel sorry for the whole country, even for you.

God help us if one of the media's so-called frontrunners make it.
Reply:Ron Paul has a record? Well, I'm not voting for a criminal (well, at least one that was caught)

Ron (yawn) Paul
Reply:Wow, the mainstream media actually got something right for once?
Reply:You guys just can't deal with reality can you? Every time someone disagrees with that loon you think everybody is out to get him. The paranoya has to stop. The media are reporting the truth. Try going out in the community and pick people at random and ask if they know about Ron Paul. Don't tell them anything or put thoughts or words in their minds or mouths. Most will say "who"? Some might mistake him for Ru Paul the cross dressing weirdo. He nearly came unglued at the "debate" the other night. If this is someone who we all should support than I am not so sure he should be President. Being President requires being cool especially in public.

Expecting a low level candidate that barely reaches 3% in poll after poll to be put on some pedistal and lauded as though he was the greatest thing since sliced bread is pushing things too far.

The media are into selling ads. People buy ads in papers and broadcast media that people actually listen to or read. Since time and space are limited it stands to reason the media are going to cover only those of real interest and who have a real chance. Some small blurb about the also-rans happens on a slow day but to expect major head lines or constant sound bites from a second or third tier candidate is expecting something that isn't going to happen. People don't want to pay for that.

I will admire the tenacity of the Ron Paul worshipers. They seem to push their candidate on the Internet ad nauseum. It actually ticks off more people than anything else.

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